Thursday, October 13

な Adjectives

Two forms of Japanese Adjectives, there are い(i,) and な(na) adjectives. As i said previously I don't know if there is a system or any sort of rule for these other than they just are that way.
Bellow are some な adjectives,

べんり     ->  Benri convenient
ゆうめい ->  Yuumei famous
きれい    ->  Kirei pretty
しんせつ ->  Shinsetsu helpful
ひも      ->  Himo not busy/available

In use:

えいじい おくだ は ゆうめい です。
Eiji Akuda wa yuumei desu.
Eiji Akuda is famous.

えいじい おくだ は ゆうめい な やくしゃ です。
Eiji Akuda wa yuumei na yakushya desu.
Eiji Akuda is a famous actor. (Na な is the connecting particle when modifying a noun)

When being used in the negative form we add ではありません。

shinsetsudewaarimasen. not helpful.

These posts are proving to be a great way for me to revise, i hope anyone reading this also finds it helpful. Should you notice any mistakes please contact me and tell me. I am learning and would really appreciate to be made aware of any mistakes.
On that note any feed back is welcome and i would love to hear from others learning Japanese.



I spoke previously about Agemasu あげますand Kuremasu くれます for giving and receiving. Here I show them in use once more along with Moraimasu もらいます which is the word for receive/received.

わたし は まりかさん に おきい りんご を あげます。(agemasu)

まりかさん は わたし に ちさい りんご を くれました。(kuremashita)

わたし は まりかさん に ちさい りんご を もらいました。
watashi wa marika san ni chisai ringo o moraimashita.

i received a small apple from Marika.

moraimasu is used for receive/received when referring to either person involved in the dialogue. It does not have the restriction of kuraimasu.


Saturday, October 8

Experience Japan Edinburgh.

わたし は ともだち と きょう エヂンブラ で ''Experience Japan'' に  いきました。

わたし は ともだtち と で しょど を しました。
しょど を むずらかしです。
we did some Japanese calligraphy i have a picture of my attempt however its probably less insulting and less embarrassing to me, not to put it online.

                                        ゲアム を しました。

we played a game similar to pin the tail on the donkey, you look at the face, then you are blind folded. You are then handed piece by piece features of the face which you have to place down in the correct area. This is my friend Matthew and his wife Anna trying it out, his attempt is far better to mine, i had eyebrows and eyes mixed up... don't laugh they tricket you by having eye shaped eyebrows and moon/eyebrow shaped eyes!
It was good fun and far superior to pin the tail on the donkey. A little disconcerting being blindfolding with my friend sniggering next to me though.

My face... see i did well apart from the eyebrow/eye issue.

わたし の せんせい は こと を しました。
After Alison played for us she let me have a go myself at playing sakura sakura, it was really easy. :)  basically worked like Tabs for guitar string/number 778 778 876... etc.. thats not sakura sakura but it was something like that. I do imagine however it gets much much more complicated.

It was a really nice morning, in a old church in Edinburgh and i'm glad i popped by we did some origami watched a tea ceremony and a flower arranging demonstration.
I should point out this wasn't all for fun, there was a little stall selling various Japanese trinkets and books,(i bought two children's books, it seems silly but 9months ago i couldn't have even read the front cover so its good to know i could know slowly converse with a Japanese toddler about literature.) there was also a raffle which i lost 6 times, and donation boxes around the room.
They were raising money for the tsunami appeal which is incredibly important and vital charity providing help to the victims of the tsunami and quake disasters.

はるみ giving a tea ceremony demo.

Friday, October 7

い Adjectives

So Japanese adjectives come in two forms い and な adjectives, there doesn't (as far as i can fathom) seem to be a reason or rule for the different types. They simply exist and have to be learned the hard way committing as many as possible to memory.

Here are few basic adjectives, and bellow a link to a site with the required adjectives for the N5 Japanese Language Proficiency Test which others and myself in the UK will be sitting on December 4th. (AAAAAAAHHH! the FEAR!)

ああきい -> Ooki Big
ちいさい -> Chisai small      
たかい -> Takai Expensive    
やすい -> Yasui Cheap      
あたらし -> Atarashi New      
ふるい -> Furoi Old     
むずかし -> Muzukashi Difficult
やさし -> Yasashi Easy
あまい -> Amai Sweet
からい -> Karai Hot/Spicey
おいしい -> Oishii Yummy
かわいい -> Kawaii Cute (Every-bodies favorites)

So there's a few to get started. Here is how you could use these in describing an object.

あの ラツプトツプ は たかいです。
Ano laptop wa takaidesu.    
That laptop is expensive.

あ ラツプトツプ は たかくないです。(くない)
Ano laptop wa takakunaidesu. (kunai)
That laptop is not expensive.

We add Kunai くない to い adjectives to make them into the negative form.

いいっです iidesu (its good)
Is an exception you say よくないです yokunai desu for not good.

Other examples...

この あか の でんしゃ は ふろいです
kono aka no densha wa furoidesu
This Red train is old.

わたし は たんじょび に ともだち に あたらし マンガ を あげました。
watashi wa tanjobi ni tomodachi ni atarashi manga o agemashita
I got my friends a new comic for his birthday.

A list of adjectives i'll hopefully no by December 4th.

Wednesday, October 5

Agemasu / Kuremasu

This week at class we concentrated mainly on giving and receiving items and how to structure those statements.
Although in class all we gave each other were ping pong balls. I'd prefer to have various items that can be more interesting for descriptive purposes, different items, big ball, small ball, new, old just to mix things up and have the class using more terminology learned in previous classes. (as we have been going over い and な adjectives.)
My group did describe the ping pong balls colour to mix things up a little because
adding pinku no bo-ru ピンクのボール instead of just the ball, made it more interesting/fun which is important the most important thing when learning.
Fun -> たのしい


Agemasu ->  あげます

Used when describing giving something to someone else, or when describing two people in the act of giving to one or the other.

Tomokosan wa Sumisusan ni hon o agemasu
Tomoko will give Sumisu a book.

Tokosan wa Sumisusan ni hon o agemasita (past tense)
Tomoko gave the book to Sumisu.

Karemasu -> かれます
This word means to have recieved as we cannot use agemasu when refering to ourselves personally.

Tomokosan wa watashi ni hon o karemasu
Tomoko will give me the book.

Tomokosan wa watashi ni hon o karemashita (past tense)
Tomoko gave the book to me.

i think i got all the basic stuff in there, sorry for excluding my own niggle, really should have been something like an intersteing book... omoshiroi hon おもしろいほん。 To expand on my use of adjectives in sentences.
